
At Gymini, we believe in the power of our product to streamline operations, nurture relationships, and grow your fitness community.

But don’t just take our word for it. Read the genuine feedback from those who’ve taken their fitness businesses to new heights with Gymini.

If You're Drowning in Disorganized Leads& Missing Out on Profits...

ROI: 7080.36%*

*ROI = (Estimated Net Profit from Gymini/Cost of subscription) x 100

*As of 01/09/2023

Ever felt overwhelmed with juggling multiple platforms just to manage gym or clinic leads?

Mitchell Vorten, Director of Exercise Health Care Australia, knows that struggle all too well.

Before Gymini, it was chaos. Leads were scattered across different platforms, and then, a recommendation changed everything.

Enter Gymini, the integrated solution that transformed their lead management process.

Mitchell admits:

“It wasn’t just a game-changer; Gymini exceeded our wildest expectations.”

If Your System is TOO Complex and You are Forgetting Important Leads...

ROI: 576.19%*

*ROI = (Estimated Net Profit from Gymini/Cost of subscription) x 100

*As of 01/09/2023

Navigating the swimming strength and performance space requires laser focus. Just ask Ryan Evernden, Director of Formidable Strength and Conditioning.


Catering to everyone, from the recreational swimmer to Olympians and world record holders, his team has a reputation to maintain.

From phone recording to preset automations and robust workflows, Gymini delivered.

Ryan highlights the comprehensive support network and smooth integration into advertising campaigns, noting:

“The potential that we have using Gimini software is very exciting for us to explore."

Drowning in Google Sheets and Manual Labor?

ROI: 20731.53%*

*ROI = (Estimated Net Profit from Gymini/Cost of subscription) x 100

*As of 01/09/2023

Adam Walker, Director of Gold Coast Knee Group used to rely on Google Sheets to manage his massive rehab business.

"I was swamped with manual work, trying to maintain the client experience" he admits.

"With Gymini, I can deliver a higher quality service, exceed client expectations, and dramatically reduce my stress"

shares Adam.

In an industry where technology and marketing can be overwhelming, Gymini provides a solution.

If You're Losing Leads in Email Clutter and Seeking One Unified Solution...

ROI: 573.16%*

*ROI = (Estimated Net Profit from Gymini/Cost of subscription) x 100

*As of 01/09/2023

Running a 24/7 gym in Brisbane like IOPC is no small feat. Ask Becc Pritchard, the General Manager of IOPC.

“I used to lose leads amidst junk emails"

Becc admits. A scattered approach meant missed potential and constant frustration.

And then, Gymini entered the picture.

The results? Over 20 new members and an organized system in place. The best part for Becc?

"Everything under one roof. No more juggling 10 different subscriptions. Gymini makes managing leads simple and efficient.”

If You're Losing Leads in Email Clutter and Seeking One Unified Solution...

ROI: 2735.37%*

*ROI = (Estimated Net Profit from Gymini/Cost of subscription) x 100

*As of 01/09/2023

As Director of Ludas Sports Performance, Ryan Gaias knows a thing or two about managing leads.

However, with multiple softwares in play, streamlining became a challenge.

He sought a unified solution to consolidate his processes, and he found that in Gymini.

“Everything we need is now in one place.”

Ryan can't emphasize it enough:

“The automation is a game-changer. We keep our leads engaged without the manual hassle.”

Schedule a Free Demo


Select a time in the calendar below to see how Gymini can help you get your time back and convert your prospects into members with ease, and get our proprietary “Anti-Ghost”  Email & SMS nurturing sequence as Our Free Gift when you show up to the call.

Book an Appointment

Turn Gym Prospects Into “Already-Sold” Members With Gymini, The Sales & Marketing CRM That Does All The Hard Work For You

Gyms that trust our software

Gymini - Athletes Authority
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Gymini - Paragon Physio
Gymini - Threshold
Gymini - Strength Sstems
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