About Us

Converting gym prospects into members can be a real time-drain.

We created Gymini to fix that.

Our Story

In 2017, our journey began when HD, a national level badminton athlete, discovered Athletes Authority (AA) through an intriguing Facebook ad for a free performance testing. Impressed by Karl Goodman, the co-founder of AA, HD joined the community and became an athlete at AA. Fast forward to 2022, after working as a consultant for renowned brands at Amazon, HD joined AA as a marketing consultant, taking charge of their paid advertising.

During HD's involvement in AA's operations, we witnessed Karl's struggle with managing multiple software solutions for different aspects of the business. Frustrated by high monthly fees, disjointed communication between different software all duct taped together, and a lack of transparent reporting, we set out on a mission to find a comprehensive solution. That's how we came up with Gymini.

Gymini was born out of the need to streamline operations, simplify software complexities, and consolidate reporting. Once we successfully onboarded the Athletes Authority team onto Gymini, we decided to launch the platform to a select group of gym owners. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with users praising the software's capabilities.

Equipped with our collective expertise, Gymini offers a comprehensive suite of tools, including high-performing email templates, SMS templates, and automation features designed to effortlessly convert gym prospects into leads. We are constantly evolving, regularly introducing new features, templates, and workflow enhancements to stay ahead of industry demands.

What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to customer support. We understand the frustrations of learning and setting up new software, so we go the extra mile. We handle the setup and onboarding process for each client, ensuring a smooth transition. Moreover, Gymini provides unlimited meeting support and comprehensive training, ensuring that by the end of onboarding, gym owners and their teams have a fully functional system that saves valuable time every week.

Gymini is more than just software; it's a solution crafted by gym owners, for gym owners. We empower fitness entrepreneurs to focus on what they do best—serving their community and growing their business—without being burdened by operational complexities. With Gymini, gym owners can unlock newfound efficiency, enhance conversions, and take their business to new heights.

Meet the Founders

Karl Goodman


Founder and director of business strategy at Athletes Authority, one of Australia’s top strength & conditioning brands. Also runs Athletes Authority Education, which provides mentoring services for gym owners and fitness professionals. 

HD Tang

Operations Manager

National level badminton athlete. HD combines his freelance marketing experience, corporate experience at Amazon in working with some of Australia’s largest brands, & his passion for fitness to run and manage Gymini’s day to day operations.

Schedule a Free Demo


Select a time in the calendar below to see how Gymini can help you get your time back and convert your prospects into members with ease, and get our proprietary “Anti-Ghost”  Email & SMS nurturing sequence as Our Free Gift when you show up to the call.

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